Tenant request to make a minor or major change to the rental property
If consent is given for the change to the rental property, the landlord/property manager may impose reasonable conditions on how the change is made or remediated.
If the change is minor, the landlord/property manager must respond to you within 21 days. If the change if more than minor, they may advise that they require additional time to consider the request.
If the landlord/property manager confirms the requested change is a minor change in their response, the tenant must return the property to substantially the same condition before the end of the tenancy, unless another arrangement is agreed, eg. the landlord/property manager agrees for the minor change to remain in place. If the tenant doesn’t meet this requirement, it is an unlawful act, and the landlord may recover from the tenant the full costs incurred when returning the property to substantially the same condition.
If damage is caused to the property when removing the fixture, the tenant must inform the landlord immediately. The landlord can decide for the tenant to repair the damage or provide compensation for any reasonable cost to carry out the repair up to the tenant’s liability limit set in section 49B of the Act.
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Your details
Your name
Your email address
Property information
Property Manager's name
Rental Property Address
Change request
Describe what the requested change to the rental property is
e.g. We request to add a television bracket to the living room wall so we can attach our Smart TV to it or affix a shelve on the dining room wall
Describe or show the specific location where the change to the rental property is taking place
Who will be making the change to the property?
Please note - There is no requirement to have a contractor do the work for a minor change, but if the work is more than minor, indicating that a contractor will do the work may help the request for consent
Is regulatory consent required to make the change to the rental property?
e.g. The addition of a bath to a bathroom may require consent from the local Council.
Not sure
I am seeking permission for the change to remain at place at the end of the tenancy.
The property manager/landlord may or may not agree to this. Any fixtures added to the property by the tenant during the tenancy may be removed by the tenant at any time before the tenancy ends, unless removal would cause irreparable damage to the property. Any fixture not removed before the end of the tenancy becomes the property of the landlord.
No, I will remove it by the end of the tenancy
If your consent to the change is provided, I understand as the tenant I will need to meet all costs related to making the change.
I understand