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Thursday 19th October 2023

Propertyscouts Invercargill Team Wins Big at the Annual Awards

Propertyscouts Invercargill Team Wins Big at the Annual Awards
The Propertyscouts Invercargill team is celebrating a major victory after winning four awards for their region.

Jodi Watt, senior property manager at the branch, took home two awards including a Long Service Award as well as gaining national recognition as Best Property Manager of 2023. At the same time, our Propertyscouts Invercargill Team took out the Best Team Work Award 2023 showcasing their strong teamwork spirit. To top it off, one of their loyal clients was awarded Propertyscouts Landlord of the Year for 2023. What a proud moment for Jodi, Angela and Liz representing the Property Managers team, Sharon our Office Admin Manager and Ingrid the Branch Manager of Propertyscouts Invercargill.

Propertyscouts Invercargill is a dedicated quality Property Management Company considered one of the best in the Southland Region. The team is committed to providing their clients with the highest level of service and support.

The Propertyscouts Invercargill team are very proud of their achievement "As a well-rounded team we rely on and believe in the collaborative support of our teammates. We are 5 individuals with a strong team spirit demonstrating effective communication and pro-active problem solving. Respectful and inclusive behaviour is as much of a given as appreciation for all team members' valuable contributions. As a tight unit of 5 we have a very strong drive to achieve tangible results through collaboration. We find this enables us to provide consistent quality service that is second to none."

The Awards are held annually to recognize the outstanding achievements of property managers in their region. The awards are judged by a panel of industry experts and are based on a variety of criteria, including industry involvement and customer satisfaction. Undoubtedly, the team's 150+  5star Google reviews are testimony to Propertyscouts Invercargill's' dedication to customer service and satisfaction. 

"Our team are thrilled to have been recognized for our hard work and dedication," shared Ingrid Scott, the local branch manager. "We are passionate about property management and we love helping our clients achieve their goals. Sharing knowledge is a big part of our team culture, so our clients get the benefits of a huge pool of experience and expertise. In other words, at our office we come as a package, our owners and tenants, are looked after, and assisted and supported by all 5 of us." This proud business owner goes on to say "The Invercargill team's win is a testament to our commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing clients with the best possible service and we are proud to be a part of the Southland community."

If you are on the lookout for quality professional property management services in the Southland region, the Propertyscouts Invercargill team would love to get to know you. Give our office a call.