Franchise Opportunities
Propertyscouts Franchising

Franchise Opportunities

Work for yourself

Franchise Opportunities

Keen to be your own boss? We have property management businesses for sale right across New Zealand. Check out our current opportunities below! If you can't find what you're looking for, get in touch with our friendly team and let us know what you have in mind.

Learn about the difference between our Classic and Quick Start business options.

Quick Start


What's the difference

Propertyscouts Franchise Options

We have two start-up options to accommodate different entrepreneurial needs. If you have something else in mind, get in touch. We're open to discussing all possibilities. 

Classic Business

Our Classic Business option (starting from scratch) doesn’t come with any properties under management. This means you are responsible for building your own property management portfolio and there will be no income until you start gaining new clients.

This option requires a much lower initial investment than our Quick Start Business option. We can’t tell you it will be easy, but you will have full support to grow your business.

At Propertyscouts, we have a 100% success rate for 'start-up' franchises. All of our current franchises started from scratch, and all are still operating. A very small number have onsold to new business owners.

Quick Start Business

Our Quick Start Business gives you the chance to purchase an existing portfolio of properties under management (existing portfolios are commonly referred to as rent rolls).  The major upside of this is there is income for the business owner from day one.

We will help to negotiate the purchase of an existing rent roll portfolio. We also assist with due diligence and end-to-end facilitation of the rent roll acquisition.  

A Propertyscouts Quick Start Business will require a higher initial investment as the price is dependent on the size of the rent roll. Please note this option is only available where an existing rent roll is available for purchase.